Know more about the student visa

Stay Global represents more than 300 schools around Australia. Our consultants are trained to show you the best options according to your goals, budget and expectation.

We will answer your main questions here:

Why should I go study in Australia?

For three reasons:

1. Study at highly ranked institutions

Australia offers a diverse range of study options for international students, such as English courses, Vocational Education and Training (VET), as well as undergraduate (bachelor’s degree) and postgraduate programs. It will certainly be a distinctive feature to have an international course from a highly-ranked school in your resume.

2. Study and work

When you have a student visa, you are allowed to work up to 40 hours per fortnight (fortnight means 14 days starting on a Monday) and over 40 hours while you are on holiday. Most students pay their expenses (accommodation and food) with the money they make working here. Often, they even make extra money to travel around Asia and Australia. Australia is full of job opportunities in several areas.

3. Amazing experience 

How about living in a place with a multicultural lifestyle, beautiful climate and wonderful landscapes? This is how you live in Australia. You will also study hard, work hard, but make friends for life. At first, it may not be easy, but in the end, you will discover yourself as a new, stronger and freer person. You will have time for yourself, to explore beautiful beaches and places, travel more, and go to many parties and barbecues at the same time that you will be studying, improving your knowledge and developing your career.

How much it will cost?

You may be curious to know how much this adventure will cost. The costs vary depending on the type of course and the school you choose, your nationality, and the exchange rate at the time you pay for the course. So go ahead, ask for a quote, it’s free!

But here are some examples, just to give an idea for a single visa:

  • 4 months of English + 1 month of holiday: the visa and course fees can vary from AUD 3,900 to AUD 6,000.
  • 6 months of English + 1 month of holiday: the visa and course fees can vary from AUD 5,800 to AUD 8,000.
  • 1 year of Business course (VET) + 2 months of holiday: the visa and course fees can vary from AUD 8,200 to AUD 12,000.
  • 2 years MBA + 2 months of holiday: the visa and course fees can vary from AUD 30,000 to AUD 58,000.

In all cases you should have an average of AUD500 per week for your expenses (accommodation, food, and transport), and also need to add the cost of your plane ticket.

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What do I need?

  1. Let’s show it to you step by step.Book a free consultation (online) with us
  2. Choose the course and school you want to study
  3. Approve the quote and sign the contract
  4. Prepare the necessary documentation. Here are the standard documents needed:
    • Valid passport (6 months at least)
    • Evidence of the last completed degree in your country
    • English Language Proficiency proof (if it is the case)
    • Confirmation of Enrolment (CoE). This document Stay Global will provide to you.
    • OSHC, Overseas Student Health Cover, health insurance for the planned duration of your visa, covering everyone included in your application. This document Stay Global will provide to you.
    • Certificate evidence you have enough money for your stay. Please check with our consultant for specific information according to your home country and your profile.
    • Genuine Temporary Entrant (GTE) documents: every student visa applicant must provide evidence they are a Genuine Temporary Entrant. This is your letter of intent.
    • The application questionnaire completed.
  5. Your visa will be applied by Stay Global and it can take from 1 to 90 days to be granted or refused by the Australian immigration
  6. Visa granted! Buy your airline ticket.
  7. Book your accommodation. See options here (link to accommodation)
  8. Schedule the Welcome chat, where we will explain about opening a bank account, telephone, how to find a job, and much more.
  9. Welcome to Australia, we will be waiting you at Stay Global.

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